The Bike Project Leadership Academy

Read below to find out more about our client The Bike Project and the work we are doing with them





Our client - The Bike Project

The Bike Project is a charity that takes second hand bikes, fixes them up and donates them to refugees and asylum seekers living in London and Birmingham.

Having a bike means that asylum seekers and refugees do not need to rely on costly public transport to travel, allowing them greater accessibility to essential services, such as food banks and health and social care. This also means that ultimately they are more likely to benefit from enhanced employment opportunities.

The Bike Project also runs Bike Buddies, a cycling befriending project, and Pedal Power, teaching refugee women to cycle - sometimes for the first time in their lives.




Our work with The Bike Project

The Bike Project came to us as they wanted to invest in some development for their leadership team.

To enhance the organisation's leadership and management capabilities, we spent time getting to know the organisation and their values and aspirations. We then designed a series of bespoke 2-hour skills bites, delivered on a weekly basis, in a live online format to ensure that everyone would remain Covid secure.


Here is an example of some of the sessions we ran with them:

Senior Management sessions
  • An introduction to Leadership and Management
  • Performance and Communication Skills
Management sessions
  • Let's Talk Leadership - How to be the best leader you can be
  • Let's Talk Teamwork - How to build a high-performing team
  • Let's Talk Performance - How to get the best out of your people
  • Let's Talk Communication - How to enhance personal communication


We are pleased to say that this approach has been very successful and they have reported a tangible uplift in the knowledge and skills of their leaders and managers.

Here is what Jem Stein, the founder of The Bike Project, said about our training:

"If you want to know why your team is underperforming, look in the mirror'"

I've done a fair few management courses in my time and they have mostly been either very basic or mediocre but last week Rosie Nice delivered management training to our senior team and it was excellent. It gave us a great framework to discuss our approaches and I really enjoyed it. The above quote was my favourite one." Jem Stein


Here are some more comments from the team:


The Feedback

"Really Great pacing to the session. Clear and concise information, quality over quantity. All too often I can leave these courses feeling overwhelmed. This struck a really nice balance."

"Thank you very much. ESB Training is fab"

"This was by in far the best Zoom class I have done. And it was massively more engaging than any other management training that I've done, and because of that I am putting much more of it into practice already. Rosie is an amazing teacher, and I'm sad it's over"